Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 5, 2016

7 Grooming Mistakes Men Make

This informative grooming article is brought to you by Wahl Clipper Corporation
I have personally used their clippers and trimmers and highly recommend their quality products. Click here to discover Wahl for yourself.

All right, guys, New Year’s resolutions are in full swing.
Going to the gym, eating better, and a grooming routine.
Wait a minute…..a grooming routine?
Well yeah – because most of us react to our grooming needs rather than stay on top of them through steady maintenance.
The goal of this article is to remind you of seven grooming tips you should stay on top of – especially during the cold winter months when most events are indoors and we end up being on closer terms – literally –  with our colleagues and friends.
Click here to watch the video – 7 Grooming Mistakes Men Commonly Make! 

Want To Learn How To Wet Shave Like A Professional in 5 Days? Click Here To Download This FREE 23-Page eBook 

Why Grooming Matters

Social gatherings are more intimate occasions. That’s true not just emotionally, but also physically. People stand closely, look at screens and papers and other distractions less, and in general have way more time and inclination to look at the details of your appearance than you’re used to.
That makes this the perfect time of year to fix some common grooming mistakes. Don’t feel bad if you’re making any or all of these — just take steps to fix them! Most are needs that don’t develop until after puberty, so none of us really got a chance to build the good habits early in life.
Play catch-up now by identifying and eliminating these common grooming mistakes:

Wahl - Beard1. Unkempt Beards and Mustaches

There’s nothing wrong with a sweet ‘stache or a big ol’ beard, at least as long as your workplace allows them. But a messy one? No thanks.
Trim the edges of beards and mustaches into shape on a daily basis. You know how guys without beards look scruffy and scraggly if they skip shaving for more than a day? That’s happening to the edges of your beard, too.

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